Check for utility savings and find Sensi thermostat rebates
Use our utility rebate finder to check for thermostat rebates in your area
Adding a programmable Wi-Fi thermostat is an easy first step to maximize energy savings and increase HVAC equipment efficiency. The top-rated Sensi™ smart thermostats are an attractive choice because of its stellar consumer reviews, ease of install, and a variety of features at an affordable price. But it isn’t just the marketplace, review sites and programs like that are the only ones who appreciate the value of a Wi-Fi thermostat. Your local utility company does, too.
With features like geofencing, flexible scheduling and remote access, you can save money without compromising your comfort. When you are more efficient, it generates energy reduction results for utility companies. This is why so many offer consumer thermostat rebates and incentives for your purchase. Since the Sensi thermostat is all about making your life easy, we’ll help you look up rebate offers right on our website. Quickly find out if a thermostat rebate is available from your utility company.
Visit our rebates page to begin your search. Start by entering your zip code and the tool will display the utility company, rebate amount, rules and specifications. It also provides a link to the program form so you can begin the process. It’s usually as simple as filling out a short form and providing proof of purchase. As each utility program is different and fluctuates, be sure to read all of the thermostat rebates terms and conditions and review the utility-specific form in its entirety to ensure eligibility and compliance before you purchase.